Is a strong fear of certain objects or situations preventing you from doing what you want to do and going where you want to go? If you are ready to finally tackle your fear, there is hope. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is evidence based and is very effective for treating many types of phobias.
CBT for Phobias
A phobia describes when you have a very strong fear of a specific object or situation. Having a phobia is more than just not liking something, or feeling a little anxious about something. It is a very strong fear, that causes you to either avoid that object or situation entirely, or feel like you just have to endure extreme anxiety until you can get away.
• Animals (i.e. spiders, insects, dogs, snakes).
• Natural Environment (i.e. heights, storms, water).
• Blood-Injection-Injury (i.e. needles, injections, invasive medical procedures).
• Situational (i.e. flying on a plane, riding an elevator, being in enclosed spaces).
• Other (i.e. vomiting, choking, or any other feared object or situation).
Having a phobia can be very debilitating. Your fear may make it very difficult to do the things you want to do, and go where you want to go. Happily, CBT is an evidence based treatment that is highly effective for treating phobias. We will address your unrealistic thoughts about your feared situations, as well as use Systematic Graduated Exposure (the process of very slowly getting used to your feared situations so they are no longer so scary), which is the treatment of choice for phobias. Working together, we can learn how to address your fear and get you back to doing the things you want to do.
“Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.”