Does the idea of speaking up in a meeting, making small talk, or asking a friend to hang out seem terrifying? Are you missing out on fun activities due to anxiety? Are you starting to feel more and more isolated and alone? If your anxiety is holding you back from interacting with others and having healthy and fulfilling relationships, you may benefit from treatment.
CBT for Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety is a disorder in which social situations elicit fear, anxiety and worry. This anxiety can be debilitating, persistent, and can prevent you from doing the things you enjoy, having fulfilling relationships, and meeting goals at work or school.
• Fear or anxiety about social situations.
• Fear that you will be scrutinized or judged in social situations.
• Fear that in social situations, your behavior will reveal your anxiety, leading to judgement or embarrassment.
• Avoidance of social situations.
• Feeling like you have to endure social situations, while experiencing a very high level of fear and anxiety.
If you do have Social Anxiety Disorder, you do not have to suffer for the rest of your life. CBT will help you learn about and challenge the unrealistic thoughts that are keeping you stuck in fear and avoidance. We will aso use Systematic Graduated Exposure (the process of very slowly getting used to frightening situations, so they no longer feel so scary), which is an evidence based intervention that is very effective for treating your fear. Working together we can use CBT to learn about the patterns that are keeping you stuck, and learn new skills that can help you overcome anxiety and re-engage in the world.
“Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.”